May 9, 2017
Northland Community Center 6 p.m.
Chairman Drake called the May 9, 2017 monthly meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Dan Ellefson, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Don Slipher and Matt Holter.
Clerk’s Report: Dan Ellefson made the motion to approve the April 18, 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes. Vern Drake seconded. Motion passed. Dan Ellefson made the motion to approve the April 18, 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes. Vern Drake seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.
Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Dan Ellefson made the motion to approve the bills as submitted. Vern Drake seconded. Motion passed.
Chairman’s Report:
- Chairman Drake handed out an updated address list of board members along with adding an additional budget responsibility to the list of duties for board members.
- Chairman Drake asked Charla to fill out a preliminary municipal emergency operations plan.
- Chairman Drake talked about the county zoning vote and that about 12% of registered voters turned out. This subject can be brought up again in the future.
- It was noted that CNA Surety insurance has been paid for a two year term.
- Hillcrest Cemetery clean-up day is Saturday, May 13th at 10 a.m., citizens are welcome to help!
- Road Equipment Update: Ron mentioned he brought the truck to Fornengo for service.
- Road Condition Report: Ron mentioned the roads are good except town roads the loggers use. Time and materials will be tracked for Springbrook Trail repairs. Ron and Vern met with officials from the Town of Minong’s road department and will be working with them to repair County Line Road. Vern will update the 4-year road improvement plan.
- Northland Community Center: North Star Fire Systems Corp., will service all extinguishers on Thursday, May 11, 2017.
- Liquor license renewal applications have been received from Otis’ Bar and we will be expecting one from Hillside Bar.
- Mowing bids for Hillcrest Cemetery and Northland Community Center were received. Matt Holter will mow the Northland Community Center @$100 per time. Larry Kern will mow cemeteries @ $175 per time.
- Chairman Drake along with Dan Ellefson conducted a road inspection on 4/30/2017. The roads are generally in good shape, mostly signage issues. Chairman Drake brought up the guard rails on Big McGraw Road by Hay Creek followed by a discussion about how to fix them. Chairman Drake will check with the DNR, Burnett County and Tjdger & Highstrom in New Richmond for various ways to fix them and obtain an estimate. There was also a discussion of experimenting with chip sealing on a section of town road in the future. Chairman Drake will find out the cost per mile and if the county has used this procedure on smaller roads in the past.
- Waste and recycle transfer discussion was held. There was concern of others outside of the Town of Blaine using the facility. Chairman Drake developed a handout regarding the proper use of the facility that he will ask Bonnie to give to residents.
- Chairman Drake developed a contract for loggers that use our roads to include costs of repairs for damages. We will use this contract in the future for logging companies. Jessica made a motion to add a paragraph that allows the town the right to collect three times the cost of repairing roads for damage caused by heavy trucks, Dan seconded the motion, motion approved.
- Dan Ellefson will help out with pit runs and truck hauling when Ron needs assistance.
- We will order an inventory of American flags. Jessica made a motion to order one dozen American flags from the American Legion, Dan seconded the motion, motion approved.
- A Town of Blaine Facebook page is up and running – Charla is the administrator.
- There was a discussion of ATV/Snowmobile trails and we will update the website with ATV information. The Board will look into the possibility of making all town roads ATV trails to promote the economy in the area.
- There was a discussion of the power companies spraying of brush under powerlines.
- Hiring practices were discussed. We will post positions when a replacement is needed. There are certain requirements needed when hiring part-time employees. A priority list will be developed on who to call in emergencies.
- ATV opening of town roads draft proposal and potential vote.
- E-mail newsletter for information.
Dan made a motion to adjourn at 7:50 pm. Jessica seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 9th day of May 2017.
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman