July 19, 2016

Chairman Drake called the July 19, 2016 monthly meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessie Estridge, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Clerk Stephanie Askin, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Joyce and Bob Kyle.

Clerk’s Report:  Marty made the motion to approve the minutes. Jessie seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.

Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Mary made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.  

Jessie seconded.  Motion passed.

Citizen’s Input: None

Chairman’s Report: Next WTA meeting is scheduled for July 28th at the Government Center in Siren.


  1. Road Equipment Update:  All road equipment is in running order.
  2. Road Condition Report:  All roads open except State Line at Spillway Bridge. Vern will check with DNR if town is responsible for repairing boat landings at McGraw Lake and Little McGraw Lake. Vern is also working on County, State and possibly Federal Aid in repairing roads and bridges damaged by July 11, 2016 storm.
  3. Northland Community Center:  Everything is in good shape. No leaks from storm.


  1. Joyce Kyle from the Webster Backpack Program informed Board of their efforts and requested use of the Northland Community Center to hold an event to get the word out to residents in our area. Joyce will get more info to Stephanie as to when and what the event will be.
  2. Petition to open Big Mcgraw Road to ATV traffic was presented to the Board. Marty made motion to grant usage of Big McGraw Road to ATV traffic. Jessie seconded. Motion passed. Ordinance is approved. Signage will be moved to open all of Big McGraw Road for ATV usage.
  3. Hiring practices were discussed. Board feels it is necessary to have applications for full and part-time positions. More discussion on requirements and applications at next month’s meeting.
  4. Adopting County zoning – maps will be posted at the community center to assign zoning to areas of Blaine. Maps will need to be up for some time in order to allow everyone access.
  5. Spillway Bridge after recent storm is in very bad shape. State and Federal representatives will be in Blaine to examine all storm damage and to provide aid where eligible.
  6. Next town meeting will be on August 16, 2016 due to primary election on August 9, 2016.
  7. Board reviewed the “Just Fix It” resolution and Marty made the motion to sign the “Just Fix It” resolution. Jessie seconded. Resolution passed.
  8. Vern will talk to Burnett Dairy about pre-buy options and look at option to buy tanks.


  1. Hiring practices
  2. Update on State Line Road Spillway Bridge and other road damage from storm.

Marty made a motion to adjourn at 7:40 pm. Jessie seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting is adjourned.                                                      

Respectfully submitted, 
Stephanie Askin, Clerk 

Signed and dated this 19th day of July 2016.

By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman