Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Chairman Jessica Estridge called the August 17, 2021 monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present were Chairman Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Supervisor Bryan Holter (via telephone), Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Mona Velebir, Ron Gallagher, Bonnie Young, Klaus Nieder and Dori Willett and Vern Drake.
Pledge of Allegiance
Clerk’s Report: Supervisor Josh Fornengo motioned to approve the July 20, 2021 meeting minutes. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mona Velebir reported.
Expenses: Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve payment of expenditures as submitted. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved.
Citizen’s Input: Dori and Dean Willett are now a Heliport for Life Link helicopter ambulance services. Dori would like to commend the impressive EMT’s during the most recent patient transport. Dori also mentioned the AED pad needs to be updated on the defibrillator.
Chairman’s Report:
1) Chairman Estridge asked who is mowing the McGraw Lake boat landing. It was mentioned that resident Dean Hiller has been doing this recently. This will be added to the September agenda.
2) Chairman Estridge mentioned she will be researching a zoning plan being used in other townships that did not require county zoning be involved.
Road Equipment Update: Ron Gallagher reported that everything is good.
Road Condition Report: Ron Gallagher reported that it’s been so dry. There was discussion of less ATV/UTV damage this year due to less traffic. FEMA projects are ready to be finished.
Northland Community Center:
Upcoming events are noted below:
September 5, 2021 Celebration of Life
October 16, 2021 DOVR fundraiser
Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: Now open Wed, 4-7 PM, Sat, 10 AM to 2 PM and Sunday, 11 AM to 3 PM. Residents will be required to breakdown any cardboard before discarding. Also, it was suggested a cage be located for can donations. One recycle bin has a broken lid and we will look into getting it replaced. It was noted that the chain/gate seems to be helpful.
1) Supervisor Fornengo moved to approve the USDA, APHIS-WS beaver contract for removal of beaver and beaver dams causing damage to town roads August 2, 2021 through October 22, 2021. The contract agreement total is $1,300.00. Supervisor Holter seconded. Motion passed.
2) The contract from the Woodland Wesleyan Church for the use of the Northland Community Center was reviewed and a rent agreement was decided upon. Supervisor Fornengo moved to submit the proposed contract between the Town of Blaine and the Woodland Wesleyan Church for a rent base price of $200.00 per month. Supervisor Holter seconded. Motion passed.
3) Supervisor Fornengo will contract Burnett Dairy Coop to negotiate a pre-buy price on propane for the NCC and town garage.
It was mentioned again that a bid from Custom Design Painting and Drywall, Danbury, WI for interior and exterior painting of the NCC was approved. We will keep trying to get in touch with the company to set up a working time frame.
Propane pre-buy price.
McGraw Lake boat landing - mowing
Agenda items due Friday before each meeting.
Supervisor Fornengo made a motion to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Supervisor Holter seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 17th day of August, 2021
By: ________________________________________
Jessica Estridge, Chairman