May 16, 2019

Chairman Drake called the May 16, 2019 monthly board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Billy Fish, Ron and Sandy Gallagher, Dan Sear, Bonnie Young, Cole Fornengo, Klaus Nieder, Matt Holter, Ron and Sharon Proffit, Brandie Fornengo, Ron Peterson (Monarch Paving Company) and Tanner Kaun (Scott Construction, Inc.)

Chairman Drake noted that there will be a change in the order of the Agenda tonight.

Clerk’s Report:  Chairman Drake made the motion to approve the April 16, 2019 board meeting minutes. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Treasurer Holter.

Expenses:  Chairman Drake made a motion to approve payment of the bills as submitted.  Supervisor Fornengo seconded.  Motion approved.


  1. Chairman Drake opened paving bids from Monarch Paving Company and Scott Construction, Inc. Supervisor Fornengo made a motion to accept Monarch Paving Company’s bid for the resurfacing of Big McGraw Lake Road.  Chairman Drake seconded the motion. Motion approved.
  2. Estimates for paving Big McGraw Lake boat landing were bid at $3,500 from Monarch Paving Company and $4,000 from Scott Construction, Inc. After some discussion it was decided to forgo paving of the boat landing that is owned by the Town of Blaine.
  3. Lawn mowing bids were received from Larry Kern to mow Hillcrest Cemetery for $200 per time. Matt Holter’s bid to mow the Northland Community Center at $100 per time. Supervisor Fornengo made a motion to accept the lawn mowing bids submitted by Larry Kern and Matt Holter, Chairman Drake seconded the motion. Motion approved.
  4. Liquor license applications have been received from Otis’ Bar and Hillside Inn.


Road Equipment Update:   Ron stated that all equipment was in good condition.

Road Condition Report: Ron reported the roads are in good condition.

Northland Community Center:

May 29th: 11:30 a.m. Pine County Wanderers potluck dinner with the speaker a former Thunderbird F16 Pilot. Public welcome.

June 1st: Private wedding reception.

It was mentioned that Josh Proffit will maintain a few things around the NCC.  Also, the septic will be pumped soon.


Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: Supervisor Fornengo is working on a new sign.  Ron Gallagher stated he will clean up the old town hall demolition location once the ground dries up.

Citizen’s Input: There was a discussion about making tax payments. The deadline is December 31st to the Treasurer. After the 1st of the year tax payments go into the current year.

Chairman’s Report:

  1. Chairman Drake attended the quarterly Wisconsin Town Association (WTA) meeting in April and went over a few of the items discussed.
  2. Chairman Drake reported he was on a one-hour conference call recently regarding FEMA/WEM update. The Low Water Crossing Bridge is being considered for replacement with, hopefully, some funding coming from both FEMA and WEM. The North Markville Road culvert bridge needs estimates of options for improving. We need some recollections from longtime residents regarding when North Markville Road closures have occurred due to storms to help with the cost and benefit analysis.
  3. Chairman Drake reported that he will keep us informed of the North Woods & Waters of the St. Croix, a volunteer organization’s effort to have the St. Croix River watershed designated a National Heritage Area. He will also keep us apprised of the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) within the Town of Trade Lake.
  4. On a happy note, Chairman Drake shared an e-mail that Supervisor Estridge received from Donny Slipher’s daughter that said something like “After my dad got his new hearing aids, I heard him say ‘Now when I visit my cousin, I can hear what he’s saying and I can hear the birds singing again.’”

Supervisor Fornengo made a motion to adjourn at 6:58 p.m. Chairman Drake seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned.                                        

Respectfully submitted, 
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk 

Signed and dated this _16th day of May 2019.

By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman