Latest Town Board Minutes
Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
Chairman Drake called the August 8, 2017 monthly meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessie Estridge, Supervisor Dan Ellefson, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Don Slipher, Ron Proffit and Bonnie Young.
Clerk’s Report: Dan made the motion to approve the minutes. Vern seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.
Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Dan made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.
Vern seconded. Motion passed.
Citizen’s Input: A flyer with the address for Midtown Solid Waste Disposal will be provided to those who are looking for a place to dispose of mattresses and other items we do not accept at our waste transfer station.
Chairman’s Report:
1) Vern shared information from the July 27, 2017 Wisconsin Towns Association Meeting with board members.
Road Equipment Update: Road equipment is in good shape.
Road Condition Report: Roads are in good shape.
- DNR permit approved: St. Croix Trail culvert project will begin in August or September
- Big McGraw Road Hay Creek guardrail project will begin in August/September
- We will look at the budget in order to plan for more road work on Springbrook Trail this fall.
Northland Community Center: Exit lights are not working. Ron Proffit will take a look at the signs and let us know what needs to be done. Playground equipment could use some repair as well. We will get estimates to see what it will cost to make it safe.
- Mowing Contract with Arna Township – we will check on the cost to mow and revise the contract.
- Mowing Contract with New Dosey– we will check on the cost to mow and revise the contract.
- Ambulance contract coverage. A signed copy of the July 11, 2017 Minutes will be sent in along with the signed Ambulance Service Contract to show approval.
- Review status of Bridge Inspection Report – nothing to report.
- Jess will meet with the insurance representative and review our policy.
- There was discussion about the Waste and Recycle Transfer Station. Dan will get an estimate for a small shed for attendant and a new sign will be made. We will post the one additional day per week for accessibility for Blaine residents on the Website and, also, on the Facebook page. It is now open on Wednesday’s from 4–7 p.m.
- Vern discussed the historical buildings and sites within the Town of Blaine. It should be noted that he would like these things to be made more aware to our residents.
Jess made a motion to adjourn at 7:02 pm. Dan seconded. Motion passed. Meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this _8th day of August 2017.
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman