All-Terrain Vehicles & Utility-Terrain Vehicles Town Road Travel Routes Ordinance 7-14-2020-01 Town of Blaine, Burnett County, WI
Section I - Intent
The Town of Blaine, Burnett County, WI adopts the following all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and utility terrain vehicle (UTV) ordinance for the operation of ATVs and UTVs upon the town roadways listed in Section III, with routes to be open year-round except where designated otherwise.
Following due consideration of the recreational value to connect trail opportunities and weighed against possible dangers, public health, terrain involved, traffic density, road maintenance, and history of automobile traffic, this ordinance has been created. The town holds the privilege to close any of the aforementioned routes as it deems necessary for safety or road maintenance purposes.
Section II - Statutory Authority
These routes are created pursuant to town authority under section 1.1.01 as authorized by 23.33 (8) (b), Wis. Stats. The applicable provisions of 23.33 regulating ATV and UTV operation pursuant to routes are adopted.
Section III – Town Roads OPEN to ATV/UTV Travel
East Barrens Trail in its entirety (0.20 miles to dead end)
Bents Road in its entirety (0.60 miles to dead end and leads to ATV trail)
Big Hill Road in its entirety (0.73 miles to dead end)
Big Island Road in its entirety (1.11 miles to dead end)
Big McGraw Road in its entirety from WI Hwy 35 (6.09 miles to border with the Town of Dairyland
Buckhorn Road in its entirety (0.25 miles to dead end)
Cockerham Road in its entirety (0.25 miles to dead end)
County Line Road/Drive (2.30 miles of Blaine road, a border road with the Town of Minong)
North County Line Road (1.59 miles of Blaine road, a border road with the Town of Dairyland)
Dry Landing Road in its entirety (4.34 miles north and west to St. Croix River)
Ferguson Road in its entirety (0.25 miles to dead end)
Five Mile Road (2.19 miles from County Line Road west to Dry Landing Road)
Goldsmith Trail in its entirety (0.22 miles to dead end)
Gomulak Road in its entirety (0.46 miles to dead end)
Hunt Road in its entirety (0.25 miles to dead end)
Lee Road in its entirety (1.12 miles to dead end)
Little McGraw Lake Road in its entirety (1.27-mile loop)
North Markville Road in its entirety (3.02 miles)
South Markville Road in its entirety (2.71 miles)
McGraw Lake Road in its entirety (1.15 miles to dead end)
Montgomery Road in its entirety (0.50 miles to dead end)
Namekagon Point Road in its entirety (0.89 mile to dead end)
Namekagon Trail (1.13 miles from Springbrook Trail north to State ATV Trail #41)
No Mans Lake Road in its entirety (0.73 mile to dead end)
Perkins Trail in its entirety (1.98 miles)
Springbrook Trail (2.00 miles from Namekagon Trail west to State ATV Trail #41)
State line Road in its entirety (4.69 miles)
St. Croix Trail (9.55 miles from WI Hwy 35 east to No Mans Lake Road)
TN RD 32 in its entirety (0.51 miles)
TN RD 34 in its entirety (0.07 miles)
Total town roads OPEN to ATV/UTV traffic: 51.42 miles (Not including Big Hill Road in summer)
Section IV – Town Roads CLOSED to ATV/UTV Travel
East Adams Laker Road (1.06 miles from Springbrook Trail to Town of Webb Lake)
Big Hill Road in its entirety (0.73 miles to dead end)
Five Mile Road (1.00 miles from Dry Landing west to Namekagon Trail)
Namekagon Trail (2.00 miles from ATV trail #41 north to St. Croix Trail)
River Road (0.94 miles from East Adams Lake Road to dead end)
Springbrook Trail (from ATV trail #41 west 2.23 miles)
St. Croix Trail (0.50 miles from No Mans Lake Road east to County Line Road)
Total town roads CLOSED to ATV/UTV traffic: 8.46 miles (Including Big Hill Road in summer).
Section V - Conditions
As a condition for the use of the town road routes in Section III above, the following conditions shall apply to all operators and passengers where applicable:
No ATV/UTV shall be operated at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour.
All ATV/UTV routes in the township shall be posted with a maximum speed limit of 30 miles per hour unless posted at a lower speed.
Routes must be signed in accordance with NR 64.12
All ATV/UTV operators shall ride single file and stay on pavement or gravel roadway. Riding in ditches or on road banks is not allowed
All ATV/UTV operators shall slow the vehicle to 10-mph or less when operating within 100 feet of a person not on a vehicle or machine.
No ATV may be operated on any designated route between the hours of 1:00A.M. to 4:00A.M. daily.
Section VI - Enforcement
This ordinance shall be enforced by any law enforcement officer authorized to enforce the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
Section VII - Penalties
Wisconsin state All-Terrain Vehicle and Utility Terrain Vehicle penalties as found in s. 23.33 (13) (a) Wis. Stats., are adopted by reference.
Section VIII - Severability
The provision of this ordinance shall be deemed severable and it is expressly declared that the Town would have passed the other provisions of this ordinance irrespective of whether or not one or more provisions may be declared invalid. If any provision of this ordinance or the application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance and the application of such provisions to other persons circumstances shall not be deemed affected.
Section IX - Effective Date
This ordinance becomes effective upon passage and publication.
Passed this 14th Day of July 2020, by majority vote of board members.
_________________________ Charla Zaccardi, Clerk, Town of Blaine Date: ____________
_________________________ Vern Drake, Chairman, Town of Blaine Date: ____________