Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Northland Community Center
Chairman Estirdge called meeting to order at 7:02 pm
NCC: NCC Advisory Committee presented their meeting minutes and discussed items that have been taken care of. Committee Chair Kevin Tidemand presented a bid to repair and repaint the kitchen ceiling in the NCC as paint and debris is falling down into food when events are held. Board will review this bid and the issue and add it to an upcoming special meeting agenda for further review and possible vote. Committee Chair Tidemand also presented three bid options for replacing glass in door and side panel of the front entrance doors. Discussion followed. Chairman Estridge will add this to the January monthly board meeting as an agenda item to further review and possible decision.
WARTS: Everything is going well at the WARTS station. Mona has started receiving applications for permits.
1) Chairman Estridge motioned to set a date for January 2025 Caucus: January 8th @7pm with the regular monthly board meeting to immediately follow. Supervisor Holter seconded, motion passed.
2) Due to the clerk not being present and not able to locate a resolution stating that the Treasurer can sign documents in the clerk’s absence, this application approval will be tabled and a special meeting will be called as soon as the clerk is available.
3) Road manager/Supervisor Fornengo was not able to attend the meeting. Supervisor Holter and Chairman Estridge, Road Employee Ron Gallagher discussed known projects for upcoming years. a) Bill Hill Road in the Spring will need to be improved to passable and then maintained from there. b) Stateline Road will need to be reassessed in Spring to determine graveling and lifting needs. Also will need to smooth ruts from bridge repair as it was soft when Larsen completed work. c) Plow truck is halfway complete, the rest should be finished in the Spring. d) Portions of N Markville Road and St Croix Trail: more gravel over the next year and pulverization in 2025 or 2026 to prep for future re-blacktop. Estimated cost around $40,000 for gravel and pulverizinig. e) Blacktopping on 5-10 year plan estimation once FEMA projects are cleared up.
*Schedule special meeting with agenda items: Resolution for Treasuer to sign in lieu of Clerk Resolution to approve loan application for FEMA project. Review bid for kitchen ceiling repair at NCC *Review bids for front door glass replacement of NCC
Supervisor Holter motioned to close the meeting at 7:57pm, seconded by Chairman Estridge, motion passed.
Respectfully submitted, Chairman, Jessica Estridge (minutes taken in lieu of clerk)
Signed and dated this 8th day of January, 2025
By: ________________________________________ Chairman, Jessica Estridge
By: ________________________________________ Supervisor, Byran Holter