Wednesday, November 13, 2024




Chairman Jessica Estridge called the November 13, 2024 monthly board meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

Present were Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Supervisor Bryan Holter (via telephone), Treasurer Mona

Velebir, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Ron and Sandy Gallagher, Phillip Jackson, Dan, Nicole and Elijah Sear,

William and Rebecca Jonasen, Nick Karan, Scott Kunz, Kevin Tidemand, Billy Fish, Curt Blodgett,

Amy Kopecky, Mike Metcalf and Jerry Metcalf.


Pledge of Allegiance


Clerk’s Report: Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the October 16, 2024 monthly

board meeting minutes as submitted. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mona Velebir reported on bank balances for Bremer Bank and

Community Bank of Cameron.


Expenses: Expenditures were reviewed by the board. Supervisor Josh Fornengo moved to approve

the submitted expenses, Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved.


Citizen’s Input:

Chairman Jessica Estridge gave a quick overview of how citizen’s input is used during board

meetings (as the subject on the agenda is not a vote to adopt an ordinance, but rather

information shared in order to decide if the board wants to initiate the next process).


1) Resident, Jerry Metcalf shared some new information and updates on wake surfing activity. The

Burnett County Lake and Rivers Association newsletter was shared and the Town of Scott passed their

ordinance (the first one in Burnett County) and it is identical to what is being proposed to our board.

Emily Moore is a water resource specialist for Burnett County and is willing to present at a future

board meeting if needed.


2) It was asked how the town board was going to handle the increased cost of waste? Chairman Jessica

Estridge explained the process. The cost for the card this year would be $200.00 per year and the next

year for 2026 would be a special assessment included on property tax statements. The 2025 waste

application will be in the tax statements this year as well as fire protection letters from the Dairyland

Volunteer Fire Department, who covers the Town of Blaine for fire protection.


3) McGraw Lake landowners discussed the activity of wake surfing and the possibility of banning the

activity. It was brought to the Town board’s attention at last month’s board meeting. Lake shore safety

as well as fish habitat and the depth of the lake were discussed. A few of the McGraw Lake landowners

outlined how they are aware of what they are doing and are conscientious while using their wake boat.

There will be more data and opinions presented at the public hearing.


Chairman’s Report:

1) Chairman Estridge reported that the cement bridge project is moving along and it might be finished

by the end of November 2024. A few issues have been taken care of with the DNR.


2) Chairman Estridge mentioned that an ad for a full time road worker position will be going into the

paper, as Ron Gallagher will be retiring. An ad for the Town Clerk position will be posted for

applications as Town Clerk, Charla Zaccardi, will be leaving her appointed position. This position does

not have to be a resident of the Town of Blaine, but commensurate with experience.




Road Equipment Report: Ron Gallagher reported the equipment is fine.


Road Condition Report: Ron mentioned black top roads are in good condition. Gravel roads have

been graded and hopefully won’t be torn up before freezing.


Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve a 6 month, 4.5% interest loan for the remaining

truck chassis in the amount of $84,954.50 from Community Bank of Cameron. Supervisor Bryan

Holter seconded, all in favor showed a unanimous vote. Motion passed.


Fire Report: Fire Chief Bill Fish reported there were a couple of fires and a couple of medical calls.

He noted fire extinguishers need to be serviced at the NCC. This will be scheduled as soon as possible.


Northland Community Center:

- Sundays, 1st, 3rd and 5th 2024 Community Church

- Tuesdays, Bible study 6:30 pm for 13 weeks – Community Church

- Saturday, November 16, 2024 – Celebration of Life

- Thursday, November 28, 2024 – Thanksgiving Private Event

- Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Christmas Private Event


Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: HOURS: 4 PM to 7PM Wednesday evenings, and 11 AM to 3

PM Sunday’s. Things are going well.




1) Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to edit the current agenda to add approval of the 2025

budget to the New Business section of today’s agenda, Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded. Motion



2) Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to approve the 2025 budget as proposed. Supervisor Josh

Fornengo moved, Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded, all in favor unanimous. Motion approved.


3) Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to approve a provisional liquor license for McGraw Lake

Tavern for 60 days pending the required application signature and a sales and tax use identification

number. Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.


4) The Northland Community Center Charter agreement was read and reviewed by the board. Some

wording suggestions were communicated to NCC committee members along with the review of their

monthly meeting frequency. Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to approve the presented

Northland Community Center Advisory Committee Charter with the correction of removing the term

budget” and replacing it with “total monthly expenditure cap.” and the approval of assigned roles as

follows: Chairperson: Kevin Tidemand, Vice-Chair: Mona Velebir, Secretary: Nicole Sear, Facilities

Liaison: Dan Sear, Church Liaison: Phillip Jackson. Supervisor Josh Fornengo moved to approve the

Northland Community Center Charter agreement with the required word changes and monthly meeting

frequency update, Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. All in favor say Aye, all opposed say No. Motion

passed with unanimous vote. Motion approved.


5) Chairman Jessica Estridge put forward the motion to initiate the process of further review, including

the requirement to hold a public hearing between the Town of Blaine and the Town of Dairyland, for

adopting an ordinance restricting the activity of wake surfing on the lakes within the Town’s

jurisdiction. Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded, all in favor say Aye, all opposed say No, unanimous

Ayes. Motion passed.


The next step is to bring it to the DNR and then hold a public hearing. From there the Town Board will

review all information presented and holding a meeting to adopt or abandon the proposed ordinance.



Update on five year road plan

NCC Advisory updates under Northland Community Center


Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 pm. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded.

Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Charla Zaccardi, Clerk

Signed and dated this 13th day of November 2024

By: ________________________________________

Chairman, Jessica Estridge