Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Chairman Jessica Estridge called the October 16, 2024 monthly board meeting to order at 7:13 pm.


Present were Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Supervisor Bryan Holter (via telephone), Treasurer Mona Velebir, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Ron Gallagher, Ryan Brennan, Matt Holter, Phillip Jackson, Dan and Nicole Sear, John Fornengo, Mike Metcalf, Dori Willett, Jerry Metcalf and Vern Drake.

Pledge of Allegiance

Clerk’s Report:  Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the September 11, 2024 monthly board meeting minutes with the correction to remove the word annex and replace with “the detachment of the road”  as submitted. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved. 


Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Mona Velebir reported on bank balances for Bremer Bank and Community Bank of Cameron.


Expenses:  Expenditures were reviewed by the board.   Supervisor Josh Fornengo moved to approve the submitted expenses, Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved. 


Citizen’s Input:  Town of Blaine resident, Jerry Metcalf, addressed the board regarding concerns and the issue of the impact of wake-surfing on Big McGraw Lake.  Some concerns mentioned were possible damage to docks, shoreline, fish and habitat as well as safety to kayakers and paddlers, anglers, boats towing skiers, and young children not being able to play in the shallows due to wave energy.  Mr. Metcalf is asking the town board to review data and research via DNR and State authorities for a possible ordinance restricting the activity of wake surfing (not wake boats themselves).  There is strong public support noting that this lake is too small of a lake for this activity. If the board takes on this issue,  it would consist of having to hold a public hearing, share the ordinance with the Town of Dairyland and have the DNR review all documents. The ordinance would have penalties listed and guidelines, including a sign being posted at the public landing. He is sending this documentation electronically to all board members for review and to learn more information. The process would take several months as there are requirements for review.  No Man’s Lake was brought up about establishing a like ordinance, but the lake shore is not 60% owned by the Town, it is split evenly with Minong therefore a different process would need to be reviewed if this was to be considered. 


Curtiss Blodgett and Amy Kopecky were in attendance and will connect with the clerk to get information on obtaining a new liquor license for McGraw Lake Tavern. 


Chairman’s Report: None.



*Ron Gallagher mentioned that in six months he is going to retire from the Road position.  Ad will run in a few weeks.  

Road Equipment Report:  Ron Gallagher reported the equipment is fine. 

Road Condition Report: Ron mentioned he has been grading for the last 3 days. It’s been so dry it’s been tough. A reminder that a few signs need to be replaced before winter on some roads. 


Fire Report:  Chairman Jessica Estsridge reported for Fire Chief Billy Fish who could not make it tonight. The firetruck annual pump recertification was done with only a minor valve repair. She is reminding residents that the fire danger is going to increase by the end of this week, there could possibly be suspended fire permits by the end of the week. 


Northland Community Center:  

- Sundays, 1st, 3rd and 5th 2024 Community Church

- Tuesdays, Bible study 6:30 pm for 13 weeks – Community Church

- Saturday, October 26, 2024 Movie night - Community Church

- Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – 2024 General Election 7AM to 8PM

- Saturday, December 14, 2024 – Private Christmas Event

Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: HOURS: 4 PM to 7PM Wednesday evenings, and 11 AM to 3 PM Sunday’s.

Things are going well. Ryan will now be calling in for dump and recycle removal when needed. 



NCC committee suggestions – It was suggested to have a 5 person committee. The following persons expressed interest to be appointed to the committee: Kevin Tideman, Phillip Jackson, Dan and Nicole Sear and Mona Velebir.  Framework will be done for the committee and then positions will be assigned. 

Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to form the NCC Committee including 5 members  (roles to be assigned at a later date) with appointed individuals being Dan and Nicole Sear, Phillip Jackson, Kevin Tideman, Mona Velebir. Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded, all in favor, Supervisor Bryan Holter - Yay, motion passed.  Thank you all for being willing to do that.  


  • Budget hearing will be held at 7 pm with the regular board meeting immediately followingBudget approval 

  • Liquor license approval

  • NCC Committee framework approval

  • Follow up discussion on wake-surfing ordinance consideration 

Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to adjourn at 8:02 pm. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned. 


Respectfully submitted, 
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk 

Signed and dated this 16th day of October 2024
  By: ________________________________________

          Jessica Estridge, Chairman