Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Supervisor Josh Fornengo called the August 14, 2024 monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Present were Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Supervisor Bryan Holter (via teleconference), Treasurer Mona Velebir, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Ron Gallagher, Ryan Brennan, Matt Holter, Bill Fish and Dori Willett.

Pledge of Allegiance

Clerk’s Report:  Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the July 10, 2024 monthly board meeting minutes as submitted. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mona Velebir reported on bank balances for Bremer Bank and Community Bank of Cameron.

Expenses:  Expenditures were reviewed by the board.  The clerk received the loan payment notice for the fire pumper truck tonight. Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the expenditures which will also include the loan payment to the Community Bank of Cameron for $17,564.64. Supervisor, Bryan Holter seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to open a debt card at Community Bank and to add ACH recurring monthly debts to the checking account to eliminate a Bremer credit card payment each month. The debt cards would be issued to Mona Velebir (Treasurer) and Charla Zaccardi (Town Clerk). Bryan Holter seconded, motion approved.

Citizen’s Input: A resident of the Town of Blaine, who also represents the Dairyland Homemakers group, was present and brought up an issue regarding the set up for eating at recent funerals. The room where the food was set up is only equipped with two electrical outlets and is not very big. It was noticed that when large groups are being held, there is not adequate room to eat within that one room. There has been observation that the community center is being looked at as a church, and not a public building. It was suggested that the alter (podium) be put away, and also, political literature be removed from the building. The condition of the kitchen was discussed. It was asked why are so many items being accumulated (such as personal hand lotions, plastic containers, and more) as this leaves less space for food preparation. It was suggested that inspections be held after each event. Also, in the past, the building has always been sprayed for pests. It will be looked into that this will be done. Thank you for listening.

Chairman’s Report:


Road Equipment Report: Ron Gallagher reported the equipment is good. Mower to rotate tires soon.

Road Condition Report: The roads were tore out again this week after grading. Dry Landing Road is tore into a mess.

Fire Report: Fire Chief Bill Fish reported things have been good. The fire hall has new insulation being installed which should be done by the end of the week.


Northland Community Center:

Saturday, September 7, 2024 will be Movie Night for the Community Church

Saturday, September 28, 2024 – bridal shower

Saturday October 12, 2024 – DOVR Dinner/Fundraiser


Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: HOURS: 4 PM to 7PM Wednesday evenings, and 11 AM to 3 PM Sunday’s.

Ryan shared the general layout of the flow of garbage over the past few months. It was noted that the winter months are slower from Oct-March, but holiday weekends fill faster and Memorial Day weekend peaks. Ron Gallagher will supply Ryan with a weed whip to keep grass/weeds down.



- Overflow of items in the kitchen and storage area.

Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to adjourn at 7:45 pm. Supervisor Bryan Holter seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting was adjourned.                                            

Respectfully submitted, 
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk 

Signed and dated this 14th day of August 2024
  By: ________________________________________

          Josh Fornengo, Supervisor