Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Chairman Jessica Estridge called the June 12, 2024 monthly board meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Present were Chairman Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Treasurer Mona Velebir, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Ron and Sandy Gallagher, Ryan Brennan, Bill Fish, Matt Holter, Bradley Karan, Dan and Dawn Kegley from REM Inspecting LLC.
Pledge of Allegiance
Clerk’s Report: Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the May 8, 2024 monthly board meeting minutes as submitted. Chairman Jessica Estridge seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mona Velebir reported on bank balances for Bremer Bank and Community Bank of Cameron.
Expenses: Expenditures were reviewed by the board. Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve expenditures. Chairman Jessica Estridge seconded the motion. Motion approved.
Citizen’s Input: Resident Bradley Karan spoke about the health, safety, security and possible devaluated property on St. Croix Trail where gravel has been spread. It was noted the board was responsible for making the call to gravel this road as it was in poor shape. This road is part of the five year road plan for improvement and a discussion took place about the process it takes before it can be repaved with asphalt. It was noted that a five year road plan update will be posted on the website in the near future.
Chairman’s Report: 1) The State Line Road FEMA project bid will be posted in the Sentenal this week for two consecutive weeks. The bid opening will be held at a special meeting Wednesday, June 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the NCC. This project is anticipated to start in September.
REM Inspectors – Dan and Dawn Kegley presented an annual report for 2023 permit activity. They shared a handout that clarified what they look for as inspectors. Also included were their fees and rates. It was suggested that a commercial long term electrical ordinance be developed for the municipality.
Road Equipment Report: Ron Gallagher reported the equipment is good.
Road Condition Report: Roads were good up until this weekend. Springbrook Trail is always tore up after weekends and was graded last Wednesday and Thursday.
Fire Report: Chief, Bill Fish commented that it was super busy this past month. The new fire truck was used for a mutual aid trip up to Summit last Friday and everything worked great. The Dairyland Volunteer Fire Department Open House is coming up in September – raffle tickets to help support the department will be out in establishments within the next week.
Northland Community Center:
Chairman Jessica Estridge will keep in touch with Starlink for internet. She has not received a response as of yet.
Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: HOURS: 4 PM to 7PM Wednesday evenings, and 11 AM to 3 PM Sunday’s.
Chairman Jessica Estridge made a motion to delay the requirement of a Waste & Recycle Transfer Station permit until 2025 . Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded the motion. Motion approved.
1) Liquor license applications for McGraw Lake Tavern and Hillside Inn were received and reviewed. Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to approve the liquor licenses from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. Chairman Jessica Estridge seconded. Motion approved.
- Solutions for UTV/ATV road damage.
Supervisor Josh Fornengo made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm. Chairman Jessica Estridge seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 12th day of June 2024
By: ________________________________________
Jessica Estridge, Chairman