March 21, 2017 Minutes
Chairman Drake called the March 21, 2017 monthly meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Bonnie Young, Don Slipher, Klaus Neider, Ron Proffit, Dan Ellefson, Stephanie Askin, Dawn Snow, Linsey Ellis and Matt Holter.
Clerk’s Report: Marty made the motion to approve the minutes. Jessica seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.
Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Marty made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.
Jessica seconded. Motion passed.
Citizen’s Input: None
Chairman’s Report:
- Vern researched propane pricing and found slightly higher prices noted on the internet.
- Reminder of the April 4th election.
- Well water kit Vern used to test his water showed no arsenic contamination.
- A small surplus from Burnett County for dog licenses is returned to the town each year.
- There is a sales tax exemption change for the community center for contractors.
- Mention of Village Powers – a motion was passed April 19, 2016.
- Communication with Jim Tolbert mentioned – Work is to be done on the Spillway Bridge and obligation packets will be sent out by the end of April.
- Vern was to contact Bremer Bank with some past card member updates.
- Road Equipment Update: All road equipment is in good condition. Ron mentioned he turned in time for mowing from neighboring towns. The mower is being serviced and a new muffler for the old Ford truck installed. He had obtained an estimate for new tires and mounting for the tractor.
- Road Condition Report: The roads are in good shape. A discussion ensued that the town has about one new mile of asphalt road and that the road improvement plan was in place. It was noted Ron will be on vacation and Dan Proffit will be back-up during this time.
- Northland Community Center: Everything is in good shape.
- Linsey Ellis, Dawn Snow and Matt Holter from Dairyland Fire Department attended our town board meeting this evening and shed some additional light on the "2% Fire Dues Distribution" program. It appears as if the 2% dues should go to the fire department. Vern will attend the Dairyland Fire Department audit on Tuesday. There was a discussion of ambulance calls and it was mentioned two different radios are being used in the area along with new dispatchers within Burnett County offices. Dairyland will be down one first responder due to a medical leave.
- Springbrook Trail is damaged and it was brought to our attention there is logging going on. The road is posted. A discussion of possible solutions for this road ensued and the board has the authority to either post weight restrictions or close the road. It was noted Dogtown Road also needs to be posted. Dan Ellefson will be assigned the Springbrook Trail Road Project when he becomes an official board member.
- Reminder that the subject of the Town of Blaine adopting County Zoning is on the agenda for the April 18, 2017 Annual Electors Meeting. Maps are in the library.
- Weight restrictions were posted on town roads as of March 7th.
- We will post Minutes prior to the board meeting, but these will be “pending approval”.
- The “Preliminary” date for the road inspections will be Saturday, May 13, 2017. This will be confirmed at the next board meeting.
- Liquor License
- Cemetery duties
- Date for Board Review
- Date for road inspection confirmation
Marty made a motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm. Jessica seconded. Motion passed. Meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 21th day of March 2017.
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman