October 11, 2016
Chairman Drake called the October 11, 2016 monthly meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Clerk Stephanie Askin, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Sharon and Ron Proffit and Matt Holter.
Clerk’s Report: Jessie made the motion to approve the minutes. Marty seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.
Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Jessie made the motion to approve the bills as submitted with the exception of Monarch Paving. Vern will contact Monarch Paving about discrepancy in amounts between bid and bill. Marty seconded. Motion passed.
Citizen’s Input: Ron Proffit talked about ways to control dampness in the Northland Community Center. His suggestion is to replace more of the windows as they are getting to be very old.
Chairman’s Report: Vern will discuss items as they come up on agenda.
- Road Equipment Update: Truck needs some repair and Ron will take it in for service. Grader also needs to be looked at. Ron will call on it tomorrow.
- Road Condition Report: Ron has started mowing ditches for Arna and New Dosey. Stephanie stated she was informed about Springbrook Trail being underwater, Ron will check on Springbrook tomorrow. The rest of the roads are in good shape. Ron and Vern will continue to work with FEMA on road projects.
- Northland Community Center: Everything is in good shape. There are several upcoming rentals. Webster Backpack Program will be using the NCC on October 15th for a Bake Sale and distributing jackets and other clothing to those in need.
- FLAP – Marty is working on the application. Applicant needs a sponsor. Marty is expecting to hear tomorrow if we are able to go ahead with the application. Vern will check with Webb Lake and Swiss to see if they willing to be involved.
- Town Ordinances were reviewed and Vern pointed out an omission on the ATV usage Ordinance. Stephanie will correct and have ready for board to sign at next meeting.
- Preliminary 2017 budget meeting is set for November 10, 2016 at 5PM and will meet at the Northland Community Center.
- Due to other conflicts the board meeting will continue to be on the second Tuesday of the month.
- Board agreed that the drug testing consent form for employees should include all employees not just drivers of town vehicles.
- Vern gave examples of why zoning is important to preserve our town. Board will continue to work on zoning.
- The board discussed grading of private roads and decided it is not in the best interest of the town to do so, but that the town has a small grader that can be run behind a bobcat or ATV which it is willing to loan to residents.
- FEMA – Projects have been narrowed down to eight. Vern is tracking and compiling needed information for each to submit to FEMA.
- Board will continue to review SWARTS procedure. Vern will make a couple of changes to the procedure as to where residents can take items that the Town of Blaine does not accept.
- FLAP Application
- Review of Town Ordinances
- SWARTS procedure
Jessie made a motion to adjourn at 7:35 pm. Marty seconded. Motion passed. Meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Askin, Clerk
Signed and dated this 11th day of October 2016.
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman