March 15, 2016

Chairman Drake called the March 15, 2016 monthly meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessie Estridge, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Clerk Stephanie Askin, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Donny Slipher, Ron Proffit, Lynn Arneson and Bob Pardun.

Clerk’s Report:  Jessie made the motion to approve the minutes. Marty seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.

Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Jessie made the motion to approve the bills as submitted. Marty seconded.  Motion passed 

Citizen’s Input: None

Chairman’s Report: Vern thanked Jessie for writing and submitting grant to the county for road work on Springbrook Trail. Vern shared the Friends of Namekagon Barrons Wildlife Area newsletter. Vern was contacted by Rick Lemonds saying he had not seen Donny at the dump, not sure if Rick is aware that the dump is only open on Sundays this time of year and that Donny is there. Vern and Ron attended “Just Fix It” in Cumberland, where they received a reference guide that was helpful in writing the ad for asphalt paving for McGraw Rd. Town received a letter from the county stating the plans for culvert work on State Rd 35 north of Burnett County this summer.


  1. Road Equipment Update:  All equipment is in good running order.
  2. Road Condition Report:  Roads are in good shape.
  3. Northland Community Center: Everything is good condition. There were no leaks to deal with this spring.


  1. Shared duties will continue to reviewed and added to next month’s agenda.
  2. Vern went over the ad for asphalt. Jessie motioned to approve the ad and Marty seconded. Stephanie will run the ad in Burnett County Sentinel for two weeks beginning with the next publication.
  3. The date for the Annual Meeting is set for April 19, 2016 at 6pm at the Northland Community Center followed by the monthly board meeting.
  4. Vern will look at the town hiring practices. Table until next month’s agenda.
  5. Stephanie completed the financial statement and will enter the Form CT.
  6. Road swap with Dairyland is tabled to next month.
  7. Date for Board of Review is set for May 24, 2016, 9-11am for the open book and 11am – 1pm for Board of Review. Board members need to update training. Stephanie will look into a DVD for training purposes.
  8. Town needs to contract for crack sealing. Roy Ronnigan will submit a proposal.
  9. Ron Proffit, Merle Meyer and Vern have met and will continue to look in to advantages and disadvantages to adopting county zoning.
  10. Vern is working with the propane haulers in the area on a more efficient way of handling spring weight restriction exemptions.
  11. Jessie made a motion to accept the Mission, Vision, Values and Goals statement for the town. Marty seconded, the motion passed and Stephanie will add to the website.


  1. Shared duties for board members
  2. Hiring practices
  3. Road swap with Dairyland (5/8 mile of McGraw Lake Rd.)

Jessie made a motion to adjourn at 6:59. Marty seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned.                                                      

Respectfully submitted,  

Stephanie Askin, Clerk 

Signed and dated this ___21__ day of March 2016.


By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman