November 10, 2015

Chairman Drake called the November10, 2015 monthly meeting to order at 6 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Marty Pearson, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Clerk Stephanie Askin, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Donny Slipher, Robert Pardun and Ed Carlson.

Clerk’s Report:  Jessie motioned to accept the minutes. Marty seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was read by Larry Holter.

Expenses were reviewed. Jessie made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.  Marty seconded.  Motion passed 

Citizen’s Input: None.

Chairman’s Report: TRIP application was approved for $15160. A new forestry building (63,000 sq. ft.) is being built in Burnett County. Stray dog fee is going up to $35 if picked up in Burnett County. New Highway commissioner is Mike Hayes. CDL licenses are not needed to operate graders and similar equipment. Vern checked for information on the Barrens Lease, since the DNR will be taking over the Barrens. DNR will let us know as more information becomes available.


  1. Road Equipment Update: All equipment is in good running order.
  2. Road Condition Report:  Roads are in good shape. Ron is done ditch brushing for the Town of Arna and will finish up Town of New Dosey as soon as MN rifle deer hunting ends
  3. Northland Community Center: Fornengo Forest Products rented the Northland Community Center for a business lunch meeting.


  1. Hillcrest Cemetery surveyor will come to the December meeting.
  2. Ron will finish up Town of New Dosey ditch brushing as soon as MN rifle deer hunting ends
  3. New security cameras are being installed at the dump and garage.
  4. Board reviewed the proposed budget for 2016. Bob Pardun explained the out of compliance letter that the town received on the assessments for tax purposes. We have two years to get in compliance and it is not a big concern at this time. Jessie made a motion to accept proposed budget as presented. Marty seconded. Budget passed.
  5. Stephanie will run the ad for Robertson’s liquor license.
  6. Paving ad needs to go in paper in April and must be specific as to the needs to pave Big McGraw Rd.
  7. Vern presented the supervisors with his thoughts on shared duties for board members to review and discuss further.
  8. Vern presented the board with proposed increases to Town employees’ wages and the reasons for the increases. The increases are as follows:

Town Clerk - $700 per month.
Full time Town employees - $18 per hour
Chief Election Inspectors - $12 per hour
Solid Waste Disposal Attendant - $15 per hour
Part Time Equipment Operators - $16 per hour

Vern made a motion to raise the wages as proposed above to take effect immediately. Marty seconded. Motion passed. Attending board approved training will be paid at the $90 per meeting or training rate and mileage as in the past. Marty made the motion to continue paying for training time for board approved training. Vern seconded. Motion passed.


  1. Paving ad for McGraw Road
  2. Whether or not town should require Building Permits.
  3. Shared duties for Board Members.
  4. Contract for Maintenance of NCC

Jessie motioned to adjourn at 07:18. Vern seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned.                                                      

Respectfully submitted,


Stephanie Askin, Clerk 
Signed and dated this ___12__ day of November 2015.


By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman