April 20, 2021 7:00 PM NCC
Chairman Vern Drake called the 2021 Annual Meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
In attendance were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Treasurer Mona Velebir, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Ron and Sandy Gallagher, Ron and Sharon Proffit, Dan and Nicole Sear, Bonnie Young, Merle and Marilyn Meyer, Klaus Nieder, Bill Fish, Sheila Fornengo, Tony Fornengo, Bob Holmstrom, Kathy and Kevin Tidemand, Brandon Smiley, Austin Smiley, Steve Lundeen, Steve and Bonnie Holter, Bryan Holter, Matt Holter, Jeff Froehle, Todd and Kris Kitchenmaster, Dana Olsen, Brandie Fornengo, Tim Fornengo, Dean and Dori Willett, Edward Carlson, Peggy Jones, Dan and Joan Proffit, Daniel Gomulak, Josh Proffit, Nick Gramer, Courtney Fornengo, Cole Fornengo, Chase Fornengo.
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Vern Drake reviewed the purpose and procedure for conducting the Annual Electors Town Meeting along with the voting procedure, and also the need for maintaining proper meeting decorum.
The 2020 Annual Town Meeting Minutes were reviewed and Supervisor Jessica Estridge made a motion to approve the July 14, 2020 minutes as submitted, Supervisor Josh Fornengo seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business:
There was a motion by Dana Olsen to use a paper ballot for voting as to whether or not the Town of Blaine should adopt county zoning. Sharon Profitt seconded the motion. Motion passed. Supervisor Jessica Estridge motioned to open to pass or adopt, Bill Fish seconded, all in favor. Motion passed. County zoning regulations were discussed. Supervisor Estridge explained that lakeshore is zoned by the County. Ballots were collected and 8 were in favor of adopting County zoning, 33 against. The Town of Blaine will remain without zoning regulations.
Chairman Vern Drake submitted Ordinance #2021-01 to change the Town Treasurer position from elected to appointed. Supervisor Josh Fornengo moved to approve the ordinance. Billy Fish seconded. Motion approved. This ordinance will appear as a referendum on the ballot at the November 2022 general election and if approved, will go into effect in April 2023.
Chairman Vern Drake briefly updated three large road projects. Replacement of the Low Water Crossing on State Line Road ($340,000); the North Markville Road culvert bridge project; and the South Markville Road project to raise the road to alleviate flooding ($250,000).
Chairman Vern Drake shared survey results and noted the primary purpose of this survey was the influx of ATV/UTV usage on town roads. The last survey was done in 2004. He went over the questions that were on the survey and also shared a few samples of some of the comments that were sent back. Supervisor Josh Fornengo wanted to credit Chairman Drake for putting together this survey and sending it out. The input from Blaine taxpayers from this survey may provide some guidance to members of the incoming town Board.
The Oath of Offices was given of the newly elected and appointed 2021-2023 town officials: Chairperson Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Supervisor Bryan Holter, Treasurer Mona Velebir and appointed Town Clerk Charla Zaccardi.
Ron Proffit made a motion to set the time and date for the 2022 Annual Electors Meeting for 7 PM April 19, 2022 at the Northland Community Center. Nicole Sear seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Chairman Vern Drake presented new Chairperson Jessica Estridge with a ceremonial gavel, a book on Robert’s Rules of Order, and keys to the NCC.
On behalf of the Town Board and town electors, Ron Gallagher presented Chairman Vern Drake with a beautiful walnut plaque for his 8 years of outstanding service to the board. Thank you.
Motion to adjourn was made by Dori Willett, seconded by Klaus Nieder. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 20th day of April, 2021
By: _____________________________________Vern Drake, Board Chairman