Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Chairman Vern Drake called the March16, 2021 monthly board meeting to order at 7 PM
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Mona Velebir, Ron and Sandy Gallagher, Ron and Sharon Proffit, Klaus Nieder, Brandie Fornengo, Daniel and Nicole Sear, Bonnie Young, Cole Fornengo.
Pledge of Allegiance
Clerk’s Report: Supervisor Estridge motioned to approve the February 16, 2021 meeting minutes amended with more detail regarding zoning. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.
Supervisor Fornengo motioned to approve the January 2021 Caucus Meeting Minutes. Supervisor Estridge seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Mona Velebir reported.
Expenses: Supervisor Estridge made a motion to approve payment of expenditures as submitted. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.
Chairman’s Report:
Chairman Drake shared that he spoke with the Town of Oakland Chairman, Wayne Larrabee regarding issues around the proliferation of so called “campgrounds”. These “campgrounds” are really hundreds of permanent pre-fab units parked on a relatively small parcel of land, that can double the population of a small town. Since these pre-fab units do not pay property tax, Wayne is still looking for a way to collect revenue from these commercial enterprises to help pay for the cost of the added services they will require.
An informational meeting was held March 11th at the NCC with local businesses and the snowmobile club regarding ATV use of town roads. In February there was a motion to conduct a survey regarding ATV/UTV use of town roads. In order to reach people faster and save on costs, this survey will be sent via e-mail to residents.
Road Equipment Update: Ron Gallagher reported that one battery has been replaced for the grader, but all road equipment is in good working order.
Road Condition Report: Ron Gallagher reported that all roads are in good condition. Crack sealing is to be done again this spring. A 4-year road plan will be updated. The Town of Dairyland is planning to blacktop E. School Road and at that time we should plan on paving the NCC parking lot.
Northland Community Center: Upcoming events are noted below:
March 30th Pre-Lat at 11 AM (voting equipment set-up)
April 6, 2021 Spring Election
April 20, 2021 Annual Elector’s Meeting
May 11, 2021 Open Book 9 – 11 AM
May 18, 2021 Board of Review 9 – 11 AM
October 16, 2021 DOVR fundraiser
Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: None.
Supervisor Estridge has been in contact with the Town of Dairyland to arrange a meeting to clarify costs of the Fire Department Agreement. This item will be tabled until after the meeting.
Supervisor Estridge made a motion to adjourn at 7:55 pm. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 16th day of March, 2021
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman