Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Chairman Vern Drake called the December 15, 2020 monthly board meeting to order at 7:10 PM.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Supervisor Josh Fornengo, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Mona Velebir, Ron Gallagher, Ron and Sharon Proffit, Brandie Fornengo and Dan Sear.
Pledge of Allegiance
Clerk’s Report: Supervisor Estridge motioned to approve the November 17, 2020 meeting minutes. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Velebir reported.
Expenses: Supervisor Estridge made a motion to approve payment of expenditures as submitted. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.
Citizen’s Input: Ron Proffit reported that Burnett County is 1 of 2,000 counties who conduct safe soil testing. Pesticide and herbicide spraying and what it is doing to our ecosystem was discussed.
Chairman’s Report:
1) Chairman Drake shared that the Woodland Wesleyan Church will hold a Community Christmas Eve service at 5 PM at the NCC, the public is welcome.
2) Chairman Drake also reported that there will be free COVID-19 testing available in Siren. A brochure was posted at the NCC.
3) It was noted there was a county quarterly zoning administration meeting held where one Blaine resident applied for a conditional use permit.
3) Chairman Drake stated this will be his last term. The caucus for nominations for the election of town officials will be held at 7:00 PM, January 19, 2021 at the NCC with the Town Board Meeting immediately following.
4) Chairman Drake researched the property tax rate and handed out a mill rate comparison spreadsheet. This will be addressed in April at the Annual Meeting.
5) Chairman Drake shared a few items of interest on the historyof the NCC (a former school building.
6) Chairman Drake shared a WTA article which contained good information for the upcoming caucus.
Road Equipment Update: The John Deere mower was in for repairs, but is now back in good operating condition. All other equipment is in good condition.
Road Condition Report: All roads are in good condition. Supervisor Estridge reported that she has been in contact with business owners in Blaine and will be contacting trail clubs in the area to meet sometime in January or February regarding ATV/UTV traffic. It was brought up that we should get comparison rates on beaver control for nuisance beaver causing road damage, and this will be put on next month’s agenda. The board is looking into ways to better balance the 3-year averaging of road expenses used to calculate the General Transportation Aid (GTA).
Northland Community Center: Supervisor Fornengo reported that he talked with Sandstrom Roofing. It was recommended that posts be installed at the outdoor entryway canopy in the front of the building and temporary post jacks will be put up until the type of posts are decided on. Chairman Drake took inventory of tables and chairs as did Supervisor Fornengo and came up with different numbers. We will look into the original invoices to get an accurate count of what was purchased and compare that with what is currently in the building.
Waste & Recycle Transfer Station: None.
1) Supervisor Estridge made a motion to make Mona Velebir, Treasurer, an authorized signer on town checks. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion approved.
Supervisor Estridge made a motion to adjourn at 8:20 PM. Supervisor Fornengo seconded. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this 15th day of December, 2020
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman