October 10, 2017
Chairman Drake called the October 10, 2017 monthly board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Dan Ellefson, Supervisor Jessica Estridge, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Matt Holter, Ron Proffit, Bonnie Young.
Clerk’s Report: Dan made the motion to approve the minutes. Vern seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.
Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Jessica made the motion to approve payment of the bills as submitted. Dan seconded. Motion passed.
Citizen’s Input: None
Chairman’s Report:
1)Vern handed out copies of a tax exempt card for town purchases made at Menards.
Road Equipment Update: Road equipment is in good shape.
Road Condition Report:
- Chairman Drake reported on North Markville Road bridge conditions due to the recent heavy rain. The north side of Markville Road bridge almost washed away. As soon as the water level receded Hopkins Sand and Gravel Company went to work and completed the bridge repairs this morning, October 10th.
- Ron will be doing more work on Springbrook Trail this fall and Dan Ellefson has offered to help.
- Vern Drake met with Fran Reinhardt, Chairman of the Town of Dairyland and the two towns have signed a road “swapping” agreement for purposes of general maintenance. This will help maximize efficiency of road maintenance equipment and personnel.
- Big McGraw Road/Hay Creek guardrail project is being worked on this week.
- Four beavers have been taken out of Clemens Creek that were causing water overflowing onto St. Croix Trail.
- Chairman Drake brought up possible bridge inspections could be done in the future at the rate of $200 per bridge under 20 ft.
Northland Community Center: There will be a private party held at the end of October.
Chairman Drake and Ron Proffit inspected the exterior of the building and shared their findings and possible solutions with the board. The discussion continued and it was suggested that the board consider hiring a licensed contractor to inspect the structural integrity of the building and give an inspection report to the board. Dan will locate a qualified licensed contractor with an estimate of the cost. Vern asked Ron Proffit to find someone to fix the playground equipment with the supplies that have been purchased for needed repairs.
- Vern provided information regarding a quote for the small 8’ x 12’ shed for the attendant at the Waste & Recycle Transfer Station. Dan made a motion to approve the purchase of this shed for $2,745.00. Vern 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
- Dan will have quotes for two different types of signs for the Waste & Recycle Transfer Station by the end of the week.
- Recently there has been a lot of traffic and pedestrians stopping on the bridges by both rivers and it was suggested that signs be posted for safety. Dan made a motion for signs that say "No Stopping On Bridge" be posted at the Namekagon bridge and the St. Croix bridge. Vern 2nd the motion. Motion passed.
- Asphalt resurfacing of North Markville Bridge and short section of St. Croix Trail is needed and Vern will look into getting another bid. Resurfacing of 1.1 miles of McGraw Lake Road is still on the four-year improvement plan and road preparation will start in 2018 with asphalt resurfacing anticipated in 2019.
Dan made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 pm. Vern seconded. Motion passed. Meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk
Signed and dated this _10th day of October 2017.
By: ________________________________________
Vern Drake, Chairman