Latest Town Board Minutes

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2017


MEETING MINUTES (Pending Board Approval at July 11, 2017 meeting)

June 13, 2017

Chairman Drake called the June 13, 2017 monthly meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. 

Present were Chairman Vern Drake, Supervisor Jessie Estridge, Supervisor Dan Ellefson, Clerk Charla Zaccardi, Treasurer Larry Holter, Ron Gallagher, Ron Profitt, Doug Hatch, Stephanie Askin, Ron and Cheryl Gray.

Clerk’s Report:  Jess made the motion to approve the minutes. Dan seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report was provided by Larry Holter.

Expenses: Expenses were reviewed. Jess made the motion to approve the bills as submitted.  

Dan seconded.  Motion passed.

Citizen’s Input: None

Chairman’s Report: None


  1. Road Equipment Update:  Road equipment is in good shape.
  2. Road Condition Report:  Roads are in good shape.
  3. Northland Community Center:  It was noted a table leg needs fixing and it was mentioned we could use new tables.


  1. Dan introduced Ron Gray, Chair of Turf & Tundra ATV Club. Ron addressed the board that opening town roads to ATV usage would increase local economy and property values due to increased tourism and ease of getting around. It was noted that most other townships in the area are opening all town roads. The ATV club would be able to help assist with signage and/or fundraisers if needed for special signs. Jess made a motion to draw up a Town of Blaine ordinance listing all roads that are open all year round. Dan seconded. Motion approved.
  2. Chairman Drake discussed bidding for Public Works Contracts, Chapter 20: Page 165-167.
  3. Chairman Drake met with the DNR and the county and has obtained cost estimates from Jeremy Burton, Burnett County Highway Department for 1) Hay Creek guardrail replacement project, and 2) The culvert project on St. Croix Trail. Jess made a motion to go ahead with both projects. Dan seconded. Motion passed.
  4. The board discussed chip sealing as a way to lengthen the life of the town’s asphalt roads.  It was noted that S. Markville Road should have a culvert put in before road maintenance is done. Ron, Vern and possibly the County will take a look at S. Markville Road to determine a plan before any road maintenance is done. This item will be revisited next month.
  5. It was noted that the Loggers agreement has been approved. It was reviewed once more with some discussion.
  6. Jess mentioned the next ambulance meeting will be June 22, 2017. She will have more information at the next meeting.
  7. There was a discussion and ideas expressed about the Waste and Recycle Transfer Station. Dan will itemize some of these ideas and revisit this at the next meeting.
  8. The Old Town Hall safety issues were discussed. The question asked of members was does it make sense to salvage it to make use of it?
  9. Personnel documentation for town employment was discussed. Jess was in touch with the State of Wisconsin, Department of Workforce Development and shared some information regarding independent contractor determination for Worker’s Compensation purposes.
  10. Gary’s Pest Control bid for $140.00 will be tabled until July.
  11. Jess made a motion to accept Liquor licenses for Hillside Inn and Otis’ Bar. Dan seconded. Motion passed.
  12. E-mail newsletter will be tabled until July.


  1. Ambulance meeting update
  2. Gary’s Pest Control Bid - NCC
  3. E-mail newsletter
  4. Chip sealing – road maintenance

Jess made a motion to adjourn at 7:47 pm. Dan seconded. Motion passed.  Meeting is adjourned.                                                      

Respectfully submitted, 
Charla Zaccardi, Clerk 

Signed and dated this _13th day of June 2017.

By: ________________________________________

          Vern Drake, Chairman